Yoga Moves

When I was 18 years old I was introduced to yoga for the first time. I had an amazing Doctor at the time that suggested that I try it.  I didn’t fully understand her reasoning at the time, but regardless, I started to look for a place to take yoga.  So 15 years ago in a smallish city, yoga hadn’t really hit mainstream yet.  However I did find one studio downtown that I could do a drop-in class at so I showed up (probably in sweat pants) to try this yoga business out.

I remember thinking this is weird  How is this going to help me? Who are these people?? I remember being frustrated by how slow it was. How silent the room was.  Feeling a bit ripped off that a) it didn’t feel like exercise at all and b) how could suggesting being alone in a quiet room with my thoughts help me?  I kept going once a week, mostly to fulfill my promise that I would.  I didn’t reach some epiphany or state of higher being in those first classes, but something about them kept me coming back to my yoga mat.

Over the years I have tried a lot of yoga classes – the warmth of Moksha, the still of Yin and the movement of Vinyasa.  This year, I will embark on my own journey to become a yoga teacher, hoping that somehow I can give back some of what yoga has given to me.  When I am on my mat I release my competitive side. When I am on my mat I am ok with the silence and I am best able to quiet any unhealthy thoughts.  When I am on my mat I feel more love for me – something that has been and will remain key in my recovery.

I hope to share some of this with you here.  If you have a story to share about how yoga has brought change to your life. Please share.

Much Love.


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